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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Shauna Sand Exposed Sex Tape Video

Shauna Sand Exposed Sex Tape Video
Back on October 12, 2009, numerous websites reported that a Shauna Sand Sex Tape was to be made available on October 19 unless Shauna Sand could block its release.
Sand tried to bar the tape from going public, telling TMZ, “Yes, I did make a sex tape with my boyfriend earlier this year… but I certainly didn’t sign off on this and Vivid has no right to put it out.
I am trying to get a hold of my attorney now.” In response Vivid commented that they felt everything was fine, that they had been contacted by a third party who was selling the tape. Vivid went on to say that they believe they are entitled to market the video.
Former Playboy model Shauna Sand confirmed that she had taken part in the sex tape, titled Shauna Sand Exposed, slated for release October 19, 2009 via Vivid Entertainment.

Ida Nerina and Fauzi Nawawi Sex Scandal Full Video

Ida Nerina and Fauzi Nawawi Sex Scandal Full Video
Ida is an actress. In Malaysia. She’s embroiled in a sex tape scandal. What are the odds?

Ida Nerina is denying it’s her on teh film, but judge for yourself by seeing the video stills here. Nerina is married, but the 10-minute video supposedly features her with Malaysian actor Fauzi Nawawi, who is not her husband.
She’s married and he’s married. But that doesn’t stop Ida Nerina and Fauzi Nawawi from being the talk of town now. Apparently, both Malaysian actors, who enjoy equal popularity and success in this country, have starred in their own sex tape together and it’s widely available in the net as well as in hard copies!
Ida and Fauzi have yet to deny or confirm the allegations at press time.

Mindy McCready Sex Tape

Mindy McCready Sex Tape
Malinda Gayle “Mindy” McCready is an American country music singer.
Spike has obtained footage from country singer Mindy McCready’s sex tape, apparently titled Mindy McCready Baseball Mistress. Which is smart marketing. Mistresses are hot these days, especially questionable ones that make you realize men will stick their penis in anything even if it involves leaving behind irrefutable evidence. “So, let me get this straight, we’re going to make a video that my wife could potentially see, but it involves us having sex right now? My pants are off.”

Karla Edecan Full SexTape

Karla Edecan Full SexTape
Karla Edecan was born in Mexico. She works as a spokesmodel for various companies.

Karla has modeled for Budweiser and the cell phone company Telcel. And Karla likes to put those cell phones to use. Last summer, Karla and her boyfriend shot some home video footage on their mobiles, which you can see here.